Established in 2013, Lost Girls was started by Kyla and Sarah out of a 1976 RV. Eleven years and 2 stores later they've expanded to carry modern clothing, handmade pieces, and even their own designs. Lost Girls is a unique brand for the environmental and fashion conscious individual that marches to the beat of their own drum. Providing a collection of quality vintage clothing from the 1930’s-2000’s, they promote sustainability through resale practices.
Lost Girls is more than just a vintage clothing business, it's a mindset. It's about unapologetically living a fearless life of fun and adventure. About never giving up, following your dreams, and breaking all the molds. Lost Girls is knowing yourself, loving yourself, and confidently presenting that true self to the world.
Color: Black
Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours
1947 W Chicago
fl 1
Chicago IL 60622
United States
Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours
2710 North Sawyer Avenue
Chicago IL 60647
United States